The Blessed Hope of Youth by Linda Troxell

As the snow, and rain, and cold,

Bring another year to an end.

It also marks a decade,

It’s your Christmas number 10.

I’ve watched as you’ve grown rather quickly,

To the young lady, you are today.

And if I could ask your indulgence,

There are a few things I’d like to say.

You have conquered some lessons of living,

That have brought you to this time and place.

And the lessons you’ve yet to encounter

Will take grace and courage to face.

There are lessons of love and compassion,

Of sharing, and giving yourself.

The journey on which you are about to embark,

Will show you both heaven and hell.

But your problems will all have solutions,

They are simply gifts in disguise.

For your world has no limitations

When viewed with your heart, not your eyes.

You have chosen the path that you are walking,

To develop your personal soul.

And you have, right now, in your possession

The means to reach each of your goals.

You need only live life your way.

Giving no credence to hate or fear.

Explore and define your values,

Then above all else hold them dear.

You will never be destroyed by failure,

Or find an obstacle forever too large,

If you treat life as a puzzle,

And remember God is in charge.

So go and sling your arrows,

Fight for love, goodness, and truth.

Knowing you are the hope of mankind,

The blessed hope of youth.

© Linda Troxell

Analysis of the Poem

This poem was written as inspirational preview of  my daughter’s next phase of life.  In my experience, everyone benefits from having some idea of what’s coming when approaching a transition. Young and inexperienced individuals benefit the most. 

The message of this poem, in addition to being abstractly informational, is to inspire and instill the confidence to walk ahead boldly and without fear. I see it as a sort of map for growing from preteen, to adolescence and gaining the skills and tools needed to successfully transition to adulthood. 

About the Poet 

The author, Linda Troxell, is a retired mental health professional, licensed as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, (LMFT). In her career she worked with adolescent boys on probation placed in group homes in lieu of being sentenced to Juvenile Hall. 

By helping these adolescents  resolve emotional dysregulation problems that were negatively affecting emotional and social development, the stage was set  for them to gain the understanding, skills and tools that equipped them to successfully navigate difficult situations that previously would often lead to violence and other rebellious acting out.  With those tools and skills they were able to return to their families and larger society and manage their behavior successfully.  

Ms. Troxell is passionate about equipping our youth with the knowledge, confidence and skills to transition from childhood through adolescence to adulthood successfully. She is also passionate about removing the stigma from the disease of addiction. Ms. Troxell also worked with adults who struggled with addiction to drugs and alcohol. 

She treated these folks beginning in treatment either outpatient or inpatient, all the way through their first year of sobriety. Now in retirement she spends her time doing what she loves the most spending time with God and her beloved grandchildren. And writing poetry and Christian devotionals.

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