So Many Questions by Marisa Signora

I’m not sure of the messages we are all receiving

on TV, social media and live streaming

are they distorting our souls, our minds, our peace, our real way?

got us chasing fake dreams, feeding egos and enslaved?

got us doubting ourselves so much in our lives, have we disengaged?

confusion seems to be intoxicating us

everyone telling us different things

contradictions coming in reels

what stories are we living in?

money, greed and power, do they mean everything?

or can we find a way to create a world we can believe in?

Is that possible?

I just don’t buy that this is what we are here for 

how can I materialise the world I dream of?

are we more than this if we redirect our focus?

rise from mud like a beautiful lotus into something that has real purpose?

can our ideals metamorphosise?

can we live and thrive instead of despite?

© 2018

About the Poet 

I was born in Milan and largely lived in the UK. I moved to Catalonia, Spain, over four years ago for an off grid alternative, close to the land lifestyle, on an almond finca. I have been writing poetry in English since I could speak at the age of eight and am currently in the process of finishing my first novel. I have always loved writing and have recently started to create watercolour art which I often use with my poetry. 

The Lagoon by Marisa Signora 
Another Work By The Same Poet

Analysis of the poem: So Many Questions

Even though I wrote this poem quite a few years ago, these questions about the world we live in, how we socialise communicate, learn, love, integrate with others and the relationship we have with ourselves, our work and purpose in this life- seem even more valid today. What are we actually here for? It is posing questions about the technology we are using and how we are using it, what is it replacing? How is it influencing and affecting us on a fundamental level?

The rhythm of the poem is at times consistent adding to the flow and at times inconsistent in length to create a slightly out of sync feel that this poem is trying to express. I use metaphors and imagery to suggest how it may be affecting our human souls and spirit and to suggest how we may be living more and more in a world where everyone seems to know everything and yet no-one seems to know anything anymore. 

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