30 of the best places to submit poetry online 

We have made this piece on some of the best places to submit your poem online because we know how it feels to finish a creative work that doesn’t get outside the confines of one’s study or device. 

While this list may, admittedly, not be exactly chronological, you can be sure it is a valid and helpful compilation for your quest.

  1. FreezeRay Poetry

Since its establishment in 2013, FreezeRay (poetry with a pop) has been known to be a quarterly literary journal that appreciates poems inspired by modern culture— with things ranging from comic books to video games. 

Just about anything good that reflects pop culture has a chance to get accepted by FreezeRay. 

  1. The Rising Phoenix Review 

Whoever can write poems that creatively address the social issues of the modern world should look no further, as The Rising Phoenix Review is one of the best platforms for such works. 

They are generally associated with the slogan: We the People Shall Rise. This says a lot about the kind of poems this monthly literary magazine is dedicated to publishing. It gives preference to works that focus on the social issues marginalised groups are faced with. In other words, poems that give hope

  1. Ghost City Review 

Ghost City Press is the mother organization of Ghost City Review. The latter, which is our concern here, is a platform we highly recommend for poets because it accepts not only poems but just about anything art, or say, creative— ranging from poems to photographs. 

Of course, that means you can also submit your essays, monologues, sculptures, journal entries, and so on to the platform.  

This is not, however, to say that they take just anything. There are guidelines every submission must meet to be qualified for publication and that you can explore here

  1. Profage 

Our platform, Profage has also started receiving publications and it has made it to this list because of the flexible system with which we work taking submissions and considering them for publications. 

We accept poems, essays, articles, short stories, and just about any creative write-ups— only it should be something written. 

Note, nonetheless, that we have zero tolerance for plagiarism. Some other criteria we look out for include an attachment of the poet’s analysis of their work to each submission. 

Among others, one benefit you enjoy by joining other poets on this platform is the room to be written about as a poet, over time. This means you can write to us to get your biography published after a few publications on our platform. 

What’s more, we are always open for publications and we typically reply to submissions within 24 hours of receipt.

You can click here to read more about our publication services at length or you watch our YouTube tutorial to learn about submitting to us for publication. 

  1. Thrush Poetry Journal 

The trush is one of the birds with the most beautiful voices in the world. It sings beauty, and a similar thing is required from submissions on this bimonthly publication journal. 

Thrush Poetry wants singable poems and those of surprising, moving, and eclectic effects. If your poems sing, then this is the go-to publishing place for you. 

  1. 3Elements Literary Review

Established in 2013, 3Elements started simply as a solution to writer’s block. 

Publishing once every quarter year, 3Elements (as the name suggests) gives three themes alongside its call for submission quarterly. At a time, for instance, the elements given were “calico, pinprick, and trapeze”. Every submission must work around all three elements. 

  1. Little Death Lit 

Basically, poets tend to like and go for Little Death Lit journal because it can foster networking with like-minded creatives. 

As to poetry publication, which we’re more concerned with, the journey does so quarterly with fixed themes around which works are to be written for preferences. 

  1. Barren Magazine 

Barren Magazine takes and publishes poems and works of other literary genres monthly. And the platform isn’t really selective except that it gives preference to poets who can make unique and introspective works. 

If any or both of these define(s) your poetic voice, be sure to submit to Barren Magazine. 

  1. Rattle 

Rattle, I will say, is also rattling good for poets. It is another choice you want to look up because it gives room for cashing out on your poetic works as well as helping you get them published. You see?!

The platform often creates challenges in all literary genres and lest you forget, poetry is one of those. 

Sometimes winners of these creative contests get as much as $200 or more, as the case may be. Some winners may also receive $50 or so, but what counts now is that you get paid for what you love to do, doesn’t it?

  1. Palatte Poetry

Here comes one of the options nearly every poet looks out for. Yes, to hit the nail on the head, it allows for poetry monetization. 

Not only does Palatte Poetry take qualified poems, but it also gives room for prizes ranging from as huge as $2,500 to $50 for previously published poets and new poets, respectively. 

These aren’t the fixed sum for every poet qualified for monetization on the platform; there are some other prizes in-between, and they go to people depending on whose poem comes first, second, or so in rating. 

  1. Adroit Journal 

If you wish to submit your poems to an organization that gives scholarships among other awards to poets, look no further. 

Needless to say, Adroit may be analogous to benevolence. As it pushes to meet its mission of sponsoring the next generation of poets, Adroit Journal looks forward to accepting daring, bold, and eclectic poems from young poets. 

  1. 8Poems 

As the name must have implied to you as well, 8poems currently publishes no more than eight poems quarterly. Nothing more or less than eight poems. 

It is also a site of repute, except for its highly competitive system. But if you’d like to give it a try, you can be sure that getting published on such platforms is worth it. 

  1. Wildness Journal 

The root of Wildness Journal is Platypus Press. While the journal is known to give preference to well-constructed, mystifying poems, it doesn’t turn a blind eye to other kinds of poetry or literary genres. 

Just something to keep in mind before submitting to them: read their guidelines and, as they suggest, their previous issues— to grasp the idea of what they expect from your works. 

  1. Eunoia Review 

Eunoia Review shares certain similarities with Profage in the sense of promptness to respond and its simple-to-meet requirements. 

It guarantees that under normal circumstances, every submission shall be responded to within 24 hours or posters may query the status of their submission. 

Its requirement of receiving up to 10 poems at a go is however not identical to ours. 

  1. Frontier Poetry 

Another place to easily get published online is Frontier Poetry. At the platform, young and emerging poets seem to be more encouraged. They create an atmosphere that makes unestablished poets want to do more especially on the frontiers of craft and language. 

In the same vein, the platform hosts a poetry contest yearly and awards winners anywhere from $100 to $300. So, the money should also be a plus. 

  1. Poetry Magazine 

Here comes the oldest, and perhaps most recognized monthly poetry journal in the English-speaking world. It is associated with the Poetry Foundation (hope that rings a bell too). 

So, the bottom line is that as prestigious as this platform is, you can be sure it doesn’t discriminate against poets of your caliber— anyone can submit to them and get published. 

Only you need to create what looks like magic!! A poetic work that leans towards academic style or traditional craft— or your work may not be noticed among the 100,000+ other submissions they receive yearly. Click here to start with this platform. 

  1. Softblow

Softblow is not one of those sites that pay you for your work, they are apparently relevant and can be a good resource for the growth of your audience since they’ve been around since 2004.  

The platform doesn’t expect any piece that’s not in poetry form. They accept works ranging from the conventional poem types to prose poetry; anything poetry. 

They also typically respond to submissions within days, but sometimes also weeks of receipt. 

  1. Split Lip Mag 

Split Lip Mag pays published poets for accepted poems. For instance, you may receive $50 or so per accepted poem. 

What’s more, the platform doesn’t require so much from you; any honest, well-written poem around pop culture stands a chance. 

  1. The New Yorker 

As is the case with Poetry Magazine, it is no news whatsoever that getting published in The New Yorker is a huge achievement for poets especially the unestablished. 

The body has been around since 1925 and it is now available both physically and online. It seeks to receive emotive, fresh, and unique poetic works. 

But nah, maybe we shouldn’t have said they ‘seek‘; poets may have to wait for six or so months for a response at times. The New Yorker is flooded with creative works. 

  1. Picaroon Poetry

Picaroon Poetry accepts submissions too, and getting published on their platform is just another way to get a larger audience for your work. Be sure to look up what they offer and decide whether they’ll be an option for you.

  1. Southeast Review

Receiving works all year round, Southeast Review also encourages both established and unestablished poets and in fact writers who may major in other literary genres. 

From what they call a modest reading fee, the platform generates funds to pay contributors. So, yeah, while it may not seem all that defined, Southeast Review also makes efforts to get poets paid for their creativity. 

  1. Lit Hub

Rather than being open for poetry submissions, Lit Hub partners with other journals to promote the unique voices of poets who qualify for such. 

So maybe you needn’t consider this as a poet but as a publisher. If you’re in the latter category, feel free to reach out to Lit Hub for a partnership. 

  1. The American Scholar 

The American Scholar magazine is especially known for its dedication to making science, business, and social issues commentary, but this doesn’t limit the platform’s scope. 

As to poetry publications, they accept submissions and publications online. The good news is that The American Scholar also pays, and poets may earn as much as $200+ per payout.  

  1. The Kenyon Review 

Rather than focusing on poetry, Kenyon College’s online literary journal is a step further and has been open to several other forms of literary works that are rich in language use and well-crafted. 

One of the organization’s founding principles is to serve as a resource for the next generation of literary citizens. The Kenyon Review is also available in print. 

  1. Ploughshares

Ploughshares is another quarterly journal of highly literary poems on our list. It originated from Emerson College. 

The platform looks to take poems that are literally rich and those that address contemporary issues. They are usually open for submissions between June 1 and the 15th of January. 

  1. Harvard Review 

People continue to submit poems to Harvard Review every 1st of August because the platform encourages both established and emerging poets, to make all famous side-by-side. 

To get the better side of this journal, your poem should demonstrate an interest in literary techniques. 

  1. AGNI 

Boston University’s official literary journal is AGNI. And just as you should have expected from a typical American institution, they take innovative poetry submissions, that are though rich in craft and language, and communicate value rather than attempting to look like every other conventional poem. 

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  1. Dime Show Review 

Do you know you already stand a chance to get nominated for the Pushcart Prize when you get published on Dime Show Review? The platform does the nomination for you. Your work may also be part of those they select for audio publication. 

What’s more, they also do both in print and online publications. 

  1. Rush+Moth

The poems accepted on Rush+Mush are put together into collections and published both online and in print four times a year. But this doesn’t stop submissions that can be accepted upon receipt year-round. 

As is the case with Dime Show Review, Rush+Moth nominates top poems for the Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize awards.

  1. Yes, Poetry

Yes Poetry is another platform to look up. They publish poems alongside issues and allow three poets to join in their quarterly issues while also interviewing each poet. 

How to Ace Your Poetry Publication Anywhere

These hints work for poetry submission everywhere, even though they may not automatically guarantee the consideration of all submissions. 

  • Do not submit plagiarized or previously published poems anywhere. Nah, some journals do not define this criterion while others may admittedly not even concern themselves with it. However, observing this will usually increase your chances of being considered for publication. 

Every journal aims at feeding readers with unique concepts and voices. 

  • Do not submit poorly written works. This is a call for you to reread and have others review your works properly before putting them up for publication.
  • Finally, you should heed the distinct guidelines/requirements of every journal accordingly. 

More so, you’re encouraged to avoid creating bawdry content at all reasonable costs. 

The comment below is open for questions and contributions, in case you have any. 

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