Longer Night by AGE 

Morning and afternoon 

came and went 

I ate. 

When it was crepuscule, 

I began to realize 

food is for survival, 

what I misconceited the media for 

You’d literally confuse both. 

It has been night all along 

And I have had nothing to eat 

Not when I must also feed stomach 

among other parts. 

It used to be mouth alone. 

Time changed, 

bewilderment ensued 

The old good days gone now 

Ergo its undesired counterpart is lasting 

Night stood for years 

and it’s been all regrets! 

Night is longer than day 

Wish I realized 

I may die of hunger now 

Like my predecessors

I thought I was nocturnal 

Now day doesn’t come twice in a row 

Grasp your day. 

Nimirum, the next will be your successor’s. 

The Poet’s Analysis Of His Work

Longer Night by AGE

The composition of LONGER NIGHT was actuated by my desire to proselytize an immaterial life. The poem uses a simple diction while, however, deploying an indirect language with some elements of innuendo to lay emphasis on its messages. 

“The media” for instance, is intended to send or elicit in the mind of the reader all kinds of controversies on the effect of material life, as social media is inarguably a not far-fetched quintessence of materialism. 

The poetic persona didn’t take his life seriously when he should have done so because we saw that he had no proper knowledge of the idea of existence. This unseasoned learner of life, for that’s what we all are, saw that life happened to him and he eventually became remorseful. 

It should be admitted also that the poem aims to remind readers that time waits for no one. 

Summarily, in the verses of the poem, the persona went from day to night of his life—all in our presence and to no significant point, where he realized there was very little left to his life.

While whether we can change the future is a matter of some debate, we cannot change the past! 

Other Works By AGE

About The Poet 

Longer Night by AGE

“Longer Night” by Prof AGE reminds the world of the need to live while time passes.

Prof AGE

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