What to do if the heroine escapes from the book? 

What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book? Is a book title and a question. 

A lot has happened in the literary world since the beginning of the year 2023, and this riddle is just one of them. Chinese author Chu Ge is an harem-writer who has just written What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book? to give the world an incredible idea to grapple with. 

The book is a fictional account of a lady who led a sect and how the writer manages to cope with her (the heroine) when she left his book for the real-world. 

Let us have a kind of a summary thing for the book What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book?

Qiu Wuji, the head of the protagonist’s clan as the author himself put it, is the Heroine of the book. She was doing well in the world in which the author had created for her as the leader of a sect until she could no longer bear her narratives predetermined by a creator somewhere! 

Yes, this happened when the writer wrote that she fell in love with one of the sect’s members, Qiu Wuji’s disciple, Chu Tian. 

In the book, we saw Qiu Wuji wondering if all her thoughts and feelings were predetermined and everything she had gone through was written somewhere by someone. She obviously wanted a different narrative, different this love of a thing—not even with her own disciple! So, she started to think of an adventure outside her fixed world by asking rhetorically, “Is this simply a world within a book?”, “But why did they write that I fell in love with brother Chu Tian?” 

She couldn’t fathom the reason for this, so the author had her visit him. He was convinced that she’s his book’s heroine. She threatened to take his life with the sword in her hand if he wouldn’t change the narrative. 

Deep down, the author was reluctant, but in the face of death, his life was more important than the review of his readers. The narratives changed: Qiu Wuji stopped falling in love with brother Chu Tian, and not to go completely illogical, the author added that if she (Qiu Wuji) would ever fall in love, it would be with the Creator God (He). 

What to do if the heroine escapes from the book? 

He obviously didn’t mean for this to happen, but he’s also convinced that the beauty of a harem book is for the seemingly tough female to fall in love. It turned out that Qiu would begin to fall in love with the author of her life. More on the summary of this book will come to you from us, subsequently.

By and large, through his Heroine, Chu Ge made us ponder over whether this could be the nature of the so-called God’s will; that is, our lives are already scripted and we are all acting as fixed characters. 

There is actually a lot to learn from this book. And the liberation of our minds could just be one of those lessons. 

Not so much is known about this book and its author yet, but it was released installmentally and the first chapter surfaced the internet sometime in July 2023. As of September 12, we already got chapter 53, and in case you want a copy of these chapters, you can go to Aquamanga online. 

But, let’s come to think about it, could this be the nature of the real world? Script! 

What people are saying about the book 

Well, a lot has been said about this book, as it seems to be the first of its kind we have seen in the 21st century so far. We actually didn’t see this coming. 

One article will not encompass people’s mixed reactions on the plot of this book, but basically you should know that readers are once again glad to be fed something new and fresh. Particularly, one reader wrote that it feels good reading something unique again in the world of AI. 

There are by a lot of chances, no chance that any Artificial Intelligence program will give you something like this! The author of this book must have been so creative. 

While there’s been so much praising the creativity of the author, we should also not overlook the fact that some people couldn’t just properly get along with the book: there are always negative reviews, and Chu Ge’s What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book? Is not without it!!! 

For instance, some people downput the book by tagging it to be too unrealistic. 

In any case, this book is standing the test of time for its creativity and we predict that the author will find his way to the limelight in no time. Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot started in a similar way too. The world apparently appreciates our creativity as writers, not even for the fact that they are hungry for it. Just anyone can access AI for some repository content but what makes a writer? Perhaps your ability to paint your hero or heroine to the point that they feel the pressure of the real world too! Haha. 

What Comes to Mind Originally? 

We cannot say so much about what Chu Ge was thinking when he wrote this story, but we would not go wrong to suppose that he must have felt or thought what many of us thought, to have come up with this outlandish plot. 

What we thought: Personally, I was lost at first. When I heard this title, I took it for a question posed to me to be grappled with, and I want to believe this is what just about every other writer thinks at first. Later, I realised it is the title of a book. Chu Ge must be a thinker himself. He got my five stars right here. 

Notwithstanding, since we have done justice to that which is true with the topic—one which most of us didn’t see coming, we should also address it as a question— what you might have taken it for. 

What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From Your Book?

Here is the question. While it may largely be unrealistic for a fictional character in any book to find its way out of the book, we are faced with how we could manage this situation given that it eventually happens. 

What to do if the heroine escapes from the book? 

First, and quite subjectively, one would find it hard to believe. You simply don’t want to believe that your Heroine has truly found her way out of the story you created. To whitewash what you believe, you would think of the people who have or may have seen your plot and they may become your first suspects. I think for Chu Ge, it was computer hackers! You may even think they got costumed or made it all up. I mean you have not heard of any real-time instances where this happened. Think about it. 

If you’re sure that no one other than you has seen the work before, then you may turn out not believing your eyes. 

Something quite similar happened to Whitley Strieber, an account of which he put together to make his book “Communion”. The case with him is not exactly the same, except that he was also a writer who started seeing what many others would not see and found it hard to believe. In the book he wrote, he gave his opinion of why that happened to him, but no factual conclusion has been reached at the time, and who knows, it might have been something like this. 

Going by his own account, any writer whose Heroine escapes from his story may be forced to undergo such brain or mind examinations as hypnosis. 

Read Also: Whitley Strieber’s Communion book review 

This examination would be important for about two things: the writer’s health and other people’s conviction that he saw what he said he saw. If after the examination, it is confirmed that your mental health is sound, other people may join in and your narrative would be subject to research. Then, and only then, may we get to know why such happens in the first place, and how to tackle it. 

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